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Old 07-28-2017, 06:11 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,723

I'll just say ditto to much of what has already been said, and not repeat ....

Here's an idea that someone else posted to deal with the drag ...
Stop the Quilt Drag while FMQ
There are lots of commercial variations of this,
but sometimes, what we invent ourselves works as good or better!

Another way to make things a little more slippy and minimize the drag ....
..... silicone spray the top of your sewing area.
Be careful to not spray it on the floor, or you will find out just how well it works!

While several have already mentioned that the right foot can make a big difference ....
... I don't think it was noted that some machines have specific FMQ foot sets.
You may want to inquire about that for yours.

Ergonomics makes a big difference to the FMQing process.
I know many do, but I could never FMQ on an extension table.
Getting my machine set into a table made a big difference for me.
Also, chair height ... I like my chair set a little higher for FMQing than doing conventional stitching.

Just some ideas .... good luck!
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