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Old 12-23-2017, 09:41 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Hartford, Mo
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I have not seen any of those yet...I shop at Wal Mart and grocery stores for books, read them and donate to local county library. Since optical nerve problems, I don't see as well as I used too, so have slowed way down to a couple of books or so a week. some of my favorite authors are using larger print in their books and that helps without looker for a larger printed book that is higher in price. Limited budget, but still enjoy reading a book in print not buying a 'book reader' yet. DH does have a tablet and has downloaded some 8,000 books on it.. . he adjusts the print the size he wants to use to read his selected book.

Latest trip to Barnes and Noble upset me; everything was by category, and by author's last latest or newest book section at all.
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