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Old 01-02-2018, 09:06 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
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Originally Posted by dsch View Post
Any tutorials on this site as to how to make bibs from towels? Thanks
I have made bibs from towels for my handicapped brother. I took a bib pattern and used just the top portion of the pattern. Using denim and snaps for the top, I attached half of a bath towel to the end of the pattern. Since I doubled the pattern and sewed it together, it left an opening at the bottom of the pattern and I inserted the towel into the bottom and sewed the opening shut. If you want you can gather the towel to fit the opening or just use a towel the size of the opening. These wash like cast-iron.

To DSCH: By the way, if you go to the hardware store, you can find a much heavier-duty Velcro that you can put on equipment. It is wider and has more staying power. I think that one of the suggestions for use said that you could put it on the side of the house and attach hosing to it. This is the self sticking kind, but I thought of sewing it on something that I wanted to hang that had some weight to it. Never got around to making my project, but I still think that this would work for your needs, as it would be a lot harder to pull loose.
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