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Old 01-21-2018, 07:34 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 188

Sort of . How about a do-over of 2017 in 2018?

Word to the wise - be very careful to not change your 1/4" seam measurement, thread weight, etc. over the course of the year. I apparently was not as careful as I thought.
-I guess any time I was sitting down to sew a few more days into the rest of the posture might have been different which could have thrown off my alignment for my seam allowances.
- I recall trying a few different seam guidance methodologies over the course of the year. I thought they were all perfectly 1/4" the time
- I used whatever thread was in the machine when it was time to sew some squares together.

When sewing my rows together my seam allowances all seemed to line up ok vertically as the year was going along (with a little fiddling of the fabric). Bottom line - when I went to sandwich my temperature quilts and precipitation quilt they were all VERY wonky width wise. I tried stretching the heck out of them and pinning them and basting them to make them more close to square but to no avail.

I discussed my issue with a friend who was also making a temperature quilt and she had the same issue. The difference is she considers hers good enough for her to move forward and finish it. Me....not so much. I lean more towards being a perfectionist so I am remaking mine. Yes, all 3 of them. <SIGH> Luckily they are wall hangings so definitely on the small side. Luckily I recorded all my temperatures and precipitation levels as the year was going along so I don't need to look them all up again. I can already see that everything is looking a LOT more square.

I have been quilting too long to make these kinds of mistakes. Stupid, stupid, stupid.But you know what - a lesson well learned. I KNOW I will never make those mistakes again....and now my cute, cuddly, awesome dog gets a new quilt for her doggie bed.

Last edited by lmanna; 01-21-2018 at 07:47 PM.
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