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Old 02-18-2018, 10:09 AM
Super Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 1,779

Wow!!! These are all so creative!! I love how they have all turned out! The colors are so interesting and everyon has used their own techniques!!

rryder - Rob!! that is a stunning piece! Was it difficult sewing your rows together? Was there alot of stretching with the HST along the bias? How large are your individual squares and how large is your final piece?

MNT Grandma - Your colors are so vibrant!! I love how you have integrated these beautiful dyed colors with a few solids in a lovely EEP design! Please post more pictures! How large is your final quilt?

Immana - Your pieces are so colourful!! Great job!

m-fay - Looking good!! Waiting to see your results!!

Moonrise - Your colors and design are so interesting - please update on your progress!
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