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Old 02-23-2018, 02:34 PM
Join Date: May 2014
Location: New Hampshire, USA
Posts: 94
Default what batting for correct Civil War look?

I have been working on a quilt made entirely of reproduction Civil War fabrics. I am starting to think ahead to the choice of batting. The quilt will be going on a four poster bed that pre-dates the Civil War. I want it to look as correct and authentic as I possibly can. I have spent quite a bit of time on Barbara Brackman's web site, looking for this info, but with no success.

I am assuming that the flatter (non-puffy) batting is the way to go, but what about the level of "crinkle"? Would a quilt made during the Civil War have very little crinkle? Or lots? Is there a modern day batting that someone can suggest that is generally considered more authentic looking for this purpose?

I was originally intending to go with Quilter's Dream Green, for its lack of crinkle (cuz I am not a fan of crinkle), but now it is occurring to me that the correctness of the end result might be wrong.

Any help would be much appreciated!
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