Old 03-08-2018, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by SunQuilts View Post
May I chime in with a related question? My cleaning lady has asked several times if I would make a quilt for her son.. I sort of halfheartedly said I would think about it. Problem is I have so many projects of my own waiting and due to my deteriorating vision, I work very slowly and only when I am having a good day. The cost is another factor. She repeatedly says she is willing to pay but I know she hasn’t a clue about the actual cost. Mostly though I really want to work on my own quilts while I can. I should tell you that I’m well up in years and figure my quilting time is limited. What to do?
You have my permission to just say No though you should be giving yourself permission to do this. You are a sweetheart and do not want to hurt her feelings but, believe me, she has heard the word NO before so don't let this make you feel guilty because you are filling your days with what you enjoy. If you feel an explanation is necessary, which it is not in my opinion, share with her that you only make quilts for yourself and refer her to another quilter to make her son a quilt. Enjoy your craft and may it fill your days with blessings.

Last edited by Teen; 03-08-2018 at 07:13 PM.
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