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Old 05-19-2018, 06:02 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
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I lived in Oregon for 8 years having moved from LA. We arrived in late fall and that first winter was challenging. Going from sunny warm beach life to rain and grey skies created a bit of cabin fever - and then came spring and summer. It was glorious, everything bloomed and sun didn't set until very late. After that first spring and summer, winters weren't bad at all. Living there (I tell people) re-jiuced me. People helped one another without asking, you met and enjoyed your neighbors and even going shopping was pleasant. Then you start to notice the things around you and appreciate everything. When I was there the schools were a bit behind because without sales tax they didn't have kindergarden and other school related items - BUT - they had teachers who wanted to work with kids and help them develop. There were other things they didn't have or do that I was used to in LA, BUT, come to realize, those things were not important! I'm sure some of this has changed, but a couple years ago my youngest did a tour residency at the children's hospital for 2 months and the good parts of their systems are still there. I would move back in a heartbeat! FYI - In Oregon you can't pump your own gas! And, compared to So. Cal, everything was cheaper!!
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