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Old 06-19-2018, 09:18 PM
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Congo
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by Jo Belmont View Post
For years I have used the ruler method of folding which requires no added supplies, is totally consistent and fits nicely on most shelves. I use a 6" wide x 24" long ruler.

Open fabric. Most is 40-odd inches wide and folded in half (= 20" wide +/-). Let fabric lay with the uncut end atop a table and the rest over the edge to the floor. Place ruler across the width of the fabric at the uncut end about 2-3" down. Fold over ruler. Hold fold in place and flip ruler over. Now do it again. Repeat to the end of the fabric piece, regardless how long it might be. You now have a folded piece of fabric 6-8" wide x WOF.
So I do this, but I fold the fabric in half first, because I can't manage to fold the entire length of the fabric, even though it's 40 inches, I get my feet trapped in it. It's easier for me to fold it in half to about 20" and use the ruler method. Thanks!
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