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Old 06-19-2019, 04:38 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Anthony, TX
Posts: 259

Originally Posted by 1Nanoo View Post
I have a huge stash that I probably will not finish using before I die, but it makes me happy to remember where I bought the material and why. I have enough fabric to last the rest of my life, unless I need to buy a special piece to go with some I already have. I worked hard for the $$$$ to buy it, and I enjoy it, and I have given instructions for how to dispose of it should I die before I use it all (which is probable). I have cleaned up after my children for years, and it they have to dispose of my fabric, well, I apologize, but I am still keeping and using it.
Well said, same here. I am currently moving in stages to be near my son in Texas. As I go through my stuff, I can't believe the amount of fabric I have purchased! Most, if not all, I purchased on sale, so got more for my $$$$! I asked my husband, "what was I thinking", he just laughs and says you were thinking about all the fun you would have sewing after retiring from my job as a Prison Nurse. thankfully, I have a dedicated room in the new house - not sure it all is going to fit, but the garage can get the overflow. I also have a "stash" of sewing machines - those are going to be sold, new house just does not have the room for them (treadles, and old singers).
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