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Old 07-04-2019, 04:05 AM
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I'm a big fan of making things in 10's. Easy to count and also gives me some variety of tasks. I store my completed squares in baggies, each with 10 in them. If you want to make 8 like HST at a time not a problem just put them in different baggies. Don't obsess over having things evenly distributed. When the quilt is put together you won't be able to tell anyway and it will save you a lot of angst in the process.
I have also used a process to make HST called Triangulations from Bear Paw. It is a computer program (simple) that you print out pages of triangles that you use the lines to sew on. Very simple and easy to use and the size of the triangle is spot on so trimming is not necessary. You just sew and cut on the lines. You do end up with like HST squares so if you are aiming for every square to be different this would not be the way to go. You can tear the paper off as you go or wait until you're ready to put the squares in a quilt. I used newsprint paper that I got at Amazon for cheap but you can also check with your local newspaper as they sell the ends of their rolls for next to nothing (at least our local newspaper does) With that you have to cut the paper to 8.5x11 so it fits through your printer. The paper I got on Amazon came that size. Both tear away very easily and much less expensive than the foundation paper you can get.
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