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Old 07-04-2019, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Angellight
On this note, I have my paternal grandmothers White, Model 1065, in the cabinet with her original attachments that I need to sell. it is all metal, because in taking photos, it was heavier than I expected it to be. I don't want to overprice it, but I need to move it due to the sale of my parents house We had it out for an Estate/Garage sale this past weekend, and while a couple people looked, no one wanted it.
Does anyone have a recommendation for pricing, please?
anything used people will knit pick over, human nature, and I see the stitching area is nicked up. I'd try craigslist at $50.00 or best offer. If someone wants it you will probably get 35-40 which is a fair price. Lots of photos including all extras and an example of stitching. A backstory never hurts, along with an offer for "possible delivery locally". On small things like this it is seldom asked for, but it makes a warmer ad.
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