Old 07-29-2019, 01:12 PM
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If someone else has already addressed this, pardon me.
But, Having said this. It is your money.
Do you want to start a business?
Do you just want to do your own quilts?
If you start a business, will it take away time from your own quilting?
Do you do enough tops to make it worth the time, money, and learning curve?
Age should not be the determining factor.
You sound as though learning is not the issue.
Just think about all this before making this very important decision. I agree rent some time on a LA and see if you really like the process.
I presently have about 40 tops waiting to be quilted. I am retiring at the end of September and plan to rent time as well as do some on my DSM right here in my sewing space.
I turn on a movie and start quilting away. For me it would mean investing in duplicate items: TV, DVR, because my sewing space not large enough to put in a LA. Since most of my quilts are for charity, I just do simple stitching so the idea of LA does not mesh with my wants.
Just had to add my two cents (or 100 words or less)
Whatever decision you make has to be right for you.
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