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Old 08-11-2019, 06:19 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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Won't really make a dent in your supply but one of the things I do with cabbage is "Almost Mu Shu". I usually just buy a bag of precut cabbage.

You would need some pork, cut into thin narrow strips marinated in soy/garlic/ginger.
A reasonable head of cabbage, sliced thin
Couple of carrots, sliced thin
One onion, sliced thin
Start with the onion and carrots, add the pork. Since it is thin it doesn't take long. Pan should be very hot. Add cabbage last, don't cook the cabbage to death, should still have some body. Stir fry all together, add hoison sauce while cooking. Some people like more hoison sauce on the wrap, but I usually cook with hoison and serve with Plum sauce. Serve in asian wrappers if you can get them, thin flour tortillas if you can't.

We also make what we call "White Fry". It's based on family cooking, Czech descent. We usually would have it with pierogies.
Slice or chop the cabbage
Slice thin 1-2 apples
Slice thin 1 large onion
Stir fry with a bit of celery seed, I usually use butter to cook this but you can use whatever oils you wish. Start with the apples and onions and get them about half cooked before adding the cabbage. You can also add in some thin celery slices with the apples and onions for more texture.
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