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Old 08-26-2019, 01:52 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Posts: 459

Originally Posted by Iceblossom
Good to see the inspiration piece.

Ok, so is it one great big huge star like the ones shown, or would it start out the size of the block and then radiate out larger a few more rows? It looks to me like there are just two variations of stars, one with longer skinnier diamonds and then one with chubbier diamonds and the rest is color placement.

And the point is to have just one? I think that would be best done as a large but not huge center and then maybe some smaller related blocks separated by space and borders might work better or at least would be easier for me to design in my mind -- lol but then it would have to come out in EQ.
Yes, you are right, there is only two kind of stars. I like your idea of putting a big one in the center, then to have smaller ones around - depend on how hard or easy it is to make those :-) But anyway, the initial problem is to create this star block in EQ.
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