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Old 11-10-2019, 09:23 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: Iowa
Posts: 377

You know... “simplicity” does indeed have its virtues - thank you all for being so clear-headed about it! I tend to overthink some things (ok, well a lot of things) to my own detriment at times!

To be honest, i think i was feeling i had miserably failed at the whole thing. I even wondered if i should just turn it into a pillow or a dog bed (gasp!) - yes, but it was better than just throwing it out, which i also considered. As it turned out it is even too small for a lap quilt. Its too dark, too small, took too long too get to this point, etc.

I just found the other 20+ blocks i made - they were all dark and “muddy” which was why i didnt use them in the first place and didnt wanna make more. I might take those apart and mix them up for a wall hanging since they are equilateral triangles - maybe i will piece them into the back - i kinda like that idea!

Anyway, my thinking was maybe if i just could pull off something half-spectacular on the finish that somehow i would feel a little better about all the hours spent obsessing about what i did wrong with the project.

I really respect every last one of your suggestions about this and i very much thank you for putting them out there in an encouraging and positive manner!

So... as they say “less is more” and “perfect is the enemy of done”!

Because, as others have mentioned - that sky blue does appear to be the “spark” here - i might do a little more shopping to find a different blue as a more suitable and brighter accent for the border?

An assessment of the blue i have does seem to indicate that it really does lean to the dark end of the spectrum again and i would like not to reinforce that darkness if i can avoid it. But maybe the blue i have - which is from the same fabric line as the “mother” fabric might work great as a binding? Maybe if i have enough i could cut the binding on the bias to give it a little bit of a striped effect without being too overwhelming - comments or suggestions?

Secondarily i was hoping to maybe pull out a little of the rust. although i havent done a flange binding before might this be a good application for it?

I have done piping but i prefer to do that on smaller projects because even cut as an inch (leaving a finished 1/4” piping) sometimes leaves me wishing i hadnt used it at all. I think people just cant seem to refrain from touching and handling it (non-quilters) and i always feel like i need to iron it down flat again after the offenders go home! I am willing to admit that this may well be a problem that i need to “get over”!

So where would you fit the gold into this scenario? Would you favor leaving something above out in favor of including it? Or should that be the border touching the quilt? If the border - would you think 3” finished would be sufficient, or?

I like the idea of using the “mother” yardage on the back. My applique skills are nothing to be proud of, but maybe i could not get in too much trouble by adding the bear in that manner to the label - i guess i could live with that!

Thank you all so much - bouncing this off of you really has really helped me get through all the static! I’m going to take a photo of possible binding and border as above to see if anything bad pops out at ya!

You guys are the best!!!
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