Old 11-29-2019, 03:21 AM
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Illinois
Posts: 80

Originally Posted by Macybaby View Post
The glide foot is the one I leave on the machine and only take it off when I need to use something else (like the ruler foot). The ones HQ sells are plastic and I'm on my third one - they get stress cracks where the screw goes and over time won't they get a bit sloppy. Wish they were more durable, I don't like having a foot that is a wearable item.

Since it's my favorite foot, I keep an extra one in stock and buy another when I start using that one.

Place a small, thin washer between the screw and the plastic glide foot. I have had mine for 1.5 years and it shows no signs of stress or wear. Good luck.
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