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Old 02-06-2020, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 86

-Which cuisines do you enjoy? I have a very mish-mash bunch of cookware right now, including 2 cast irons, a decent stockpot, but my day-to-day skillets and saucepans...just are too beat to work on a daily basis any more. I would love to own some Dansk! I always keep my eyes open at resale stores...
Chesirepat, it would be a shorter list to tell you what we don't like. Lutefisk, and I'm Norwegian! Right this very minute, Ziggy (DH) is fileting anchovies to put on homemade pizza. It's our comfort food some nights.

We make and eat Morrocan, African, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Lebanese, Italian, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Greek, I know I'm forgetting a whole bunch of others.

We make pretty much everything from scratch. The red sauce is from our garden, if we were using ricotta, we make our own. The sausage we're using tonight, Ziggy made late last month. He also makes chorizo, merguez, lamb sausage, Macedonian. We're always on the hunt for interesting recipes.

Sometimes we don't have the time to make tortillas, so we use store-bought. Or if we forgot to start the dough for pitas or naan, we always have an emergency bag in the freezer

I forgot we don't have an attachment for our hand crank pasta machine to make tubular pasta, so that's store bought

Ziggy just told me that the Dansk set we use is more like 30 years old. If you can find some, buy it.

I forgot to add in my other post, we still use a pan I purchased, when I just got divorced 14 years ago, from Target. The other pan is one Ziggy got at the local Walmart. When we were moving from Montana and the majority of our kitchen stuff was in the moving van, he was in Maine and I was living in a small apartment in Montana for a month, he needed something to use until the van got here.

We don't have to worry about scratching them or abusing them. Inexpensive and they've held up well.

Oh, boy, I've rattled on...Sorry about that. I/we love to cook. Again, have fun. What do cuisines do you like?
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