Thread: Tee Shirt quilt
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Old 03-09-2020, 05:30 AM
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Much is going to depend on your stabilizer. I have had to pull out a Tee Shirt Quilt before and it did not stick. It is sitting in pieces right now. A Tee Shirt that I used a heavier stabilizer on held better but not all the way. I was able to complete that one. Just as a thought you might want to use a light brushing of Elmer's Washable School Glue in the areas that the stabilizer has come loose to complete the quilting. let it dry for 24 hrs since it is on the frame you won't be able to iron it. After washing it see how it comes out? Press down the area where the stabilizer is and see how it goes I would do this only as a last resort. Other than that you may have to take out the area and put a new piece of stabilizer on it.
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