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Old 07-03-2020, 07:21 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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I'm impressed, petthefabric, Getting my desk cleared off has been the hardest part of organizing my office. Then I figured out that my desk is always so messy because I leave things out so I won't forget about them. Once I realized that, I set up the tickler file for things that didn't need to be dealt with right away, but I didn't want to forget about. So far, it's helped me keep my desktop clear of everything but what is being worked on at the moment. I also set up some project folders for a couple of long term projects that were laying scattered all over my office.

Julienm1- keep at it, it takes time to figure out what works best for your particular situation- I tweak mine periodically as my storage needs change and my stash ebbs and flows depending on how I'm using it an any given time.

I spent three straight days this past week getting my Craftsy classes downloaded and moved over to my external hard drive, only to get an email the next day saying that they weren't going to shut down the site after all . Oh well. At least I've now got them if they ever do decide to shut the site down.

My next long term project involves organizing my quilting records---which I will be working on upgrading now that I've got a better printer and can get some good printed photos to put in with my inventory sheets. I'm also setting up a file cabinet drawer specifically for my quilting and art related records. Right now they're scattered willy nilly all over my office. And I have to update my art vita- which hasn't been done in a couple of years---Yikes!

Keep chipping away at it everyone!
Happy Fourth!

Last edited by rryder; 07-03-2020 at 07:24 AM. Reason: typo
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