Old 07-16-2020, 08:50 PM
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Location: Fargo, North Dakota
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Default Painting to fabric

Thanks everyone. I'll check out spoon flower & see what they do. I'll let my friend know & then he can decide if he wants to go further with his idea.
Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
I hope I can explain this right. A friend's daughter painted an abstract picture on canvas & he was wondering if there was anyway that you can take the picture on the canvas & turn it into actual fabric. I don't think I have ever seen this done but was wondering if anyone out there in the quilting forum knows if & how this could be done? He thought it would be cool if she could actually make something out of fabric with this design on it. I hope that makes sense. I'll try & attach a picture but I may have to put it in another post. The first time I didn't have any success. Any help or information would be appreciated.

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