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Old 09-03-2020, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by misseva View Post
It sounds like you used something other than Elmers Washable Glue.
I was thinking the same thing. I had a bottle of what I *thought* was washable glue, but after my disaster, I double-checked the label, it said "Elmer's School Glue" but nowhere did it say "washable". I threw it out because who needs that??!?! Lol.

Originally Posted by mac View Post
Okay, let me see if I understand what I am reading. You say you all are qlueing the seams for a block together, instead of using pins? Really? How long do you have to wait to sew your block together? Do you glue one piece, wait till it is dried, then glue the next piece of the block, etc until the block is finished? Doesn't that take a lot longer to make a block?
Nope. It's actually faster and more accurate, which is why I glue instead of pin. I use a tiny drop, about the size of the head of a glass pin. As has been said, you can dry it with the tip of a hot iron in seconds. When I'm making miniature quilts, or something where I want a high degree of accuracy, gluing is more reliable than pinning, because the pins can shift as I sew.
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