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Old 09-14-2020, 11:43 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 653

We use our hot tub year round. We purchased a hot tub that can handle our winter temperatures and our length of winter. Here are some things to consider when looking for a hot tub:
  • sit in the tub (Check are the seats, water depth, layout comfortable for you. Make sure you and your hubby each have a seat that you love and that it isn't the same seat!)
  • decide on the bells and whistles you need - don't pay for things you don't want or wont use.
  • size of tub (How many people? Will you be hosting parties or will in be one or two people at a time?)
  • fabulous isolated cover is a must (Heat loss will be through the cover and sides, not the bottom. Remember heat rises, so you want the great isolation on the cover to keep the heat it. Isolation on the sides protect against winds and loss of heat through the sides. The heater is located at the bottom of the tub, and is enough to protect the bottom. It's like an igloo, the walls/roof keep the warmth of the people inside the igloo and nobody worries about what's on the ground).
  • strength of cover (we chose a cover that not only supports the weight of the snow but allows us to stand on it to shovel the snow off)
  • tub location (have you a prepared location or does it need to be created? proximity to the house, will you need roof shelter or wind breaks or can this be added later? Tubs are extremely heavy - most existing decks are not designed to support this weight. Safety for pets and children, how are you protecting them?)
Things we have learned:
  • Calculate the cost of replacing water vs. adding chemicals. Many times it is cheaper and faster to just empty and refill the hot tub!
  • Soaps and body lotions cause problems with water quality. We rinse our bathing suits in tap water and only launder them periodically. If you use lots of lotions or oils, a quick shower before using the hot tub makes a difference.
  • We replace our water as late in the fall as possible because replacing water in the middle of winter would be challenging.
  • At some time we will add a temperature sensor monitor, because frozen pipes would be a major expense. A small portable heater will work if the hot tub heater breaks (just place it under the tub). This is important if you have to wait several days for service or parts.
Hope this helps.
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