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Old 10-24-2020, 03:20 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Central NM
Posts: 1,585

Yesterday I decided to get out of my deep rut of stitch in the ditch and try my hand at free motion BUT need to change my sewing room dynamics. To the right of my sewing table I have 20x40 computer table where I have a collection of storage containers for sewing notions. "Beverage-of-the-hour" sits there, along with a small TV perched on cookbooks. (DH hasn't missed these.) So moved those around to make room for my lap top. Took the sewing machine out of the "well" in the table, put the insert in so I have a place to practice drawing while watching YOU Tube videos.

OMG, this is so nice. DH says he misses me since I'm no longer at the computer which used to be in a corner of the living room. He has to walk further to give me updates from Internet. He also said I will probably come out of my "retreat" only when hungry, thirsty, or need the bathroom....and he may be right!!!
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