Thread: Purple Bargello
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Old 10-31-2020, 04:45 AM
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Originally Posted by SallyS
I think you're a better quilter than you think you are, too. Your quilt is beautiful. Any tips for doing a bargello?
The main hint I could give for making a Bargello is that if you are following a pattern, read the instructions carefully and organize your fabric. (I don't always follow a pattern, and that is fun too.). If you have never made a Bargello, I recommend starting the way I did. Make a place mat first. Eileen Wright has a book called Twist and Turn Bargellos... It has about 10 patterns and at the back of that book is a set of instructions for making a placemat. She assumes a beginner is doing it, and she shows what to do, step by step. I made one of those and then made Surf Song, which is also in her book. Actually, she has two books, but you want the first one. It has an orange and yellowish Bargello on the front. I think the second book says it is Book 2 of Twist and Turn Bargellos. I got my book from Amazon.

Then, ask questions here if you have them. Quilters on this site held my hand the whole time. But, warning, Bargellos quilts may be addictive.

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