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Old 01-29-2021, 10:19 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 988

Originally Posted by DJ
It’s beautiful!

If someone could direct me to the pattern, I would love to have it. I suppose I could figure it out, but I’m kind of a pattern-lover!
I didn't have a pattern, but here's some help. The beginning of the block is a 2 1/2" dark square. All the strips are cut at 1 1/2" in width. The blocks are 8 1/2" square before you sew them together. You assemble each block as follows:

Start with the square. Add a 2 1/2" dark strip to the "top" of the square. Then a 3 1/2" light on the "right" of the square. Then a 3 1/2" dark to the top. A 4 1/2" light on the right. A 4 1/2" dark on top. A 5 1/2" light on the right. A 5 1/2" dark on top. A 6 1/2" light on the right. A 6 1/2" dark on top. A 7 1/2" light on the right. A 7 1/2" dark on top. And finally, 1 8 1/2" light on the right. That's it. I hope this helps.
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