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Old 05-07-2021, 07:59 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cottage Grove, MN
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oksewglad: I take my unwanted fabrics and scraps also to a local donation store. They can sell or recycle them. Like you, I’m 68 and feeling the need to simplify. Thanks to you mentioning donating the fabric, I pulled some coordinating fabric that I knew I wouldn’t use (donation to church group) and will put it on a fundraiser garage sale next week. Last fall, I gave quite a bit of Christmas fabric to this sale and it felt so good. Good for you in starting to say ‘No Thanks!’

My house looks like a whirlwind went through it as I have been going through boxes and cupboards looking for items to donate to the fundraiser for over a month. VCR and cassette tapes, glassware, plastic ware, pictures, etc. are being added to the boxes previously designated for the sale. Yesterday 3 people from my Thursday sewing group filled my large car trunk with things to donate also. So that added to my house stuff and also started a pile in the garage. Lol! I will be dropping it off on Wednesday and will be so relieved to have spaces empty in my house.
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