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Old 06-05-2021, 02:29 AM
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Originally Posted by lizzie3 View Post
I told a friend she was next in line for a quilt and when I called her to chat about her taste she asked that I quilt her sons a quilt each. They are 2 and 4 and the 4yo favourite colour is red and the 2yo doesn't have a favourite colour. She said they both love dinosaurs a lot so we'd like a dino theme for each.

I don't have kids nor do I have friends with kids. Are kids happy with a quilt block if it's in favourite colours? Bright colours? Or do they want lots of novelty fabric with dinosaurs? Applique a must?

I don't have dinosaur fabric and was hoping to use stash but totally willing to buy novelty fabric if it makes the quilt that much more appealing to a kid. She asked for one for their bed so I assume she would like them to use it.

I'm learning applique so willing to try some dinos but I really don't want to overwhelm myself and then it end up a ufo. I saw a quilt that had a basic block and then a row of fabric near the bottom with applique dragons. I was thinking something like that but dinos? Would that be appealing enough? Could I add dino borders? Let me know/see what you made you kids/grandkids if they loved the quilt!
I have had this free pattern on my bucket list for years and thought of you....
You can use your stash with this pattern. I hope this works for you!
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