Thread: Zucchini
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Old 08-04-2021, 06:18 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
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During the canning season, I make salsa, spaghetti sauce and now soup. For the sauce and soup I'll add all sorts of veggies into the pot as they will get pureed in the end so no one is the wiser what I have in the mixture. Just got a call from my hairdresser as her hubby seems to like my sauce and asked to buy some qts. I told her she could have some as long as she brings back my jars as they're getting expensive these days with more folks growing gardens. Didn't add zucchini in my pots last year but this year I'll throw in the bags I froze last year to use them up.

Next year I want to try the egg and bread crumb frying method as we just tried it using eggplant as I've got a bumper crop of them this year and they were very good.
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