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Old 09-22-2021, 12:00 AM
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 26

Argh sorry - I keep typing answers and then the token expires and they go pouf!
@eliza422 That's really good to know - I will chekc the Juki out.
@DawnFurlong Glad I'm not the only one!
@bearisgray Straight stitching *is* hard! But I've worked and worked on my technique and am happy with the actual straightness of the lines now - it's just the stitches themselves!
@sewingpup Hmm - there is a Viking MegaQuilter on Ebay for £500 right now - I'm tempted to make them an offer! I have another Viking I could get rid of..
@osewme That's *very* interesting. I love my Janome in every other respect - just the blimming stitch straightness.
@JanieW Thank you, that's so useful - I will do those tests. I wouldn't have a problem with skewed stitches if they were all skewed and regular, but it's quite random.
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