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Old 02-11-2022, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by CarrieBorchardt View Post
I put the finishing touches on my final round for the final quilt of this round robin. I have really enjoyed the process!! This top was not in my color way at all--so I enlisted the help of the owner of the local quilt store to pick fabrics. Thanks to her--it all blends! I always like to have something fun and personalized in these quilts, but struggled finding an idea that matched the rest of the top since it is quite traditional. I finally settled on MORSE CODE!! So much fun!! And it was pretty quick and easy too! Given that Yuriy is a lawyer involved with Interpol cases--I thought some "spy stuff" was in order. From the top corner clockwise around the quilt this reads "I do solemnly swear" and from the top corner down it reads "Yuriy". The bottom corner is a bit empty, but I didn't need any more letters (explanation for anyone who likes symmetry as much as my hubs and wonders why it is asymmetrical). I hope everyone in the group likes it, especially Reba and her friend!
OMG I love it!! What a wonderful idea! And yes, spy stuff, black ops, black market, corruption, you name it, is involved in what he does.......just saying.....Hugs Carrie!!!!
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