Old 06-11-2022, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Schill93 View Post
Well, I'm glad to hear there is hope. I have ordered some bottom line 60 wt thread in a light gray and a darker gray. I will work on a sample as you suggested and try and keep a close eye on my tension. I appreciate your suggestions. They are most helpful.
Yep, I think with experience you will get a good idea on what works for you. I am mainly a quilter who makes quilts to be used not show quilts so I don't get too stressed out if my tension is a little off or if the bobbin thread shows on top every once in while. My main concerned is that the quilt will hold together with use and washing. You also may want to wash your practice piece to get an idea of how the washing itself will change how the stitching looks. I find often, although I can see a bit of the bobbin thread on top whether I use matching threads or not, when it is washed, the bobbin thread on top becomes less visible. I know how to adjust my tension but find sometimes it is just so much less stressful to use matching thread. I do know long arm quilters who just about always use grey or cream on in the bobbin unless they are doing a white work quilt then they use white of course. I wind my own bobbins and usually use the same thread top and bottom. That works for me.
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