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Old 08-15-2022, 04:47 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
Posts: 4,885
Default garden...Well, earlier this year I suffered from a massive, pulmonary embolism, (very scary!) so I was not very physical for awhile in the aftermath. (I'm doing much better now.) I tried to get my DH to dig it up and plant the garden for me, but he was too busy working. So, I did the next best thing...container gardening on the porch and front yard. I just have a few things...tomatoes, various kinds of peppers, basil, parsley, cilantro, mint and one butternut squash. We also have the orchard, which is producing fruit and berries. The DH finally took some of my tomato starts and planted his garden with them, so we should get a lot of tomatoes. My first ones are ripening now.
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