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Old 08-27-2022, 05:42 AM
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Tantrum- it does get a little monotonous doing the same thing over and over and having to make so many if you are trying to make a bed size. Like I said I stayed with it everyday because I’m one of those people that like to stay with it until it’s finished. I have only one UFO quilt that I learned to finish from. I have had it about 12 years and I don’t think I’ll ever finish it but it’s there to remind me to always finish what I start. It’s a John Deere rag quilt, the kind you snip the raw edges. I don’t like snipping because my hands cramp. A lady told me to buy a special pair of scissors for snipping. I told her no because I never plan on making another rag quilt.

Tallchick- I’m thinking to keep with the old look, I will quilt in the ditch and continue across the gray square with the # stitching, but a little straighter I hope than this typed font #- lol nothing fancy. I may layer it today so I can begin quilting soon. I liked how cjsews quilted hers but I am stitching on a sit down long arm with no electronics, just straight stitching probably with a ruler. If you really want me to, I can show you when it’s done and also the backing I chose.

Thanks everyone for looking and commenting. You’re all very nice to do so. Have a great day-Toogie
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