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Old 09-09-2022, 10:36 AM
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Join Date: May 2022
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Another thing that helped declutter the attic storage, is that we told the three kids (all adults with half grown kids of their own) that they needed to get all of their childhood belongings and stored items from their later years and take it to their own homes. They himmed and hawed for a bit until we told them that what they hadn't removed by the end of the month, the place we called to get the things we (husband and I) were getting rid of, would be clearing the attic as well. So if they wanted it, best get it now. So they each took a weekend and went through their things and pretty much took everything that was theirs They grumped a little, because they didn't want to store it at their place but.... too bad. Their stuff/keep it or lose it! I think because we had stored it for so long, they were used to it being here. They had more than enough room at their houses to take it if they wanted it. And, it was time! Now I have room to store the Holiday decorations and seasonal clothes in the attic bins instead of stuffing them in a closet! Sometimes showing a little tough love, is a good thing!
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