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Old 09-16-2022, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Aug 2022
Location: Ponte Vedra beach FL
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by toogie
I am glad you got it uploaded. Love your talent, your fabrics, your colors. Now the only thing I don’t like is the outer perimeter. I am certainly not a quilt show judge, never entered a quilt show, but I know what I like and don’t like. So don’t get upset because I am old for one thing and another thing I have been told I’m OCD about my sewing-lol- Really, you have amazing talent and it took confidence to enter something so different than the norm. Don’t let your belief in yourself diminish, but also don’t be so self assured that you can’t listen to helpful criticism. I guess I’m saying personally, I like a straight outer edge whether it’s square or rectangle. Anything in the top itself can be just as you’ve made it here. You called it ‘weird’ I call it awesome! You can do my portrait anytime but I want a squared up outer edge!-lol❤️😀
thank you so much!! Haha for a commission I will do whatever you want 😂 and I totally get you or anyone, even judges, preferring quilts to be squared or not liking the shape -I knew that it wouldnt be the norm. And also knew it eliminated me from any category other than art. Any crituque is totally welcomed- I know there are certain mistakes in there I might try to fix actually (may try to add more straight line quilting bc it’s not as obvious as I wanted from distance ).

What really hurt , and why I was going to forget about the notes- was to hear that they thought it doesn’t belong in their quilt show. Like I injured the institution of quilting or something 😭

Me personally, my art style is the opposite of squared so I have to play with the edges! If it helps I did that perimeter because the idea of the background was to be a camera aperture opening (bc it’s based on the famous photograph of Poe )
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