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Old 12-15-2022, 04:29 AM
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Originally Posted by tallchick View Post
Gosh, I don’t know where 2022 has gone, but I will be glad when it is over! I hope that 2023 is not as challenging!

1: Still EQ8, I think that I either need to make this happen or sell it. Granted this past 4 months have been life changing and there is some adjustment and change's, but I really would like to spend more time learning it.

3: Pull patterns for the many I have, go through my stash and kit them up.

4: I really need to do another big organization of fabric. I think I am going to get back on Etsy and start listing again. I was very happy with the results last time.

7: Make at least on OBW quilt. I have a huge collection on perfect OBW fabrics. It’s time to get sewing!

What are your goals for 2023? I look forward to hearing your’s and getting wonderful inspiration!
I gave up on EQ, it was taking way too much time to try to learn. I decided to I'd rather be sewing. I gave it to someone who does a lot of charity quilts.

I've started kitting some of my fabrics with patterns. That way, I don't use a fabric I had in mind when I get a pattern, whether free or purchased. Or, lose/misplace the pattern, which has also happened. That is harder to do when it's packaged with the fabric. They don't necessarily get put in a bag or anything, but just the bundle with the pattern tucked inside the top piece of fabric wrapped around all. That way, they can breathe.

I also have a OBW in progress. Did a couple many years ago when they first came out, but one of my guilds was having a class. The pieces are sewn, now to get them together into a top!

Lastly, I went through my stash and pulled a LOT of LQS fabrics out that just don't sing to me anymore. My tastes have changed to brighter colors. The thought of selling is daunting. Measure, photograph, list, package... I'm on the fence! Your post has made me think more about it, though.
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