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Old 12-15-2022, 08:50 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Southwest
Posts: 736

My goal for 2023 is to use my scraps first. If I need to get into my yardage to complete a quilt (sashing, borders, etc.), that's okay. Second goal is to cut left-over fabric from the finished quilt into the largest size usable scraps and put in the appropriate bin. I know that sounds like I'll just be multiplying my scraps, but I think doing this will make it easier for me to use the scraps throughout the year. Lastly, anything that is less than 2 1/2" square gets put into a nice little bin that goes to the Goodwill every month. Anything that is definitely not usable gets put into a box for Goodwill labeled "Fabric Scraps for Textile Recycling".

I am committed to these goals.......I have been finding way too many scrap boxes with fabric ready to be sewn, already sewn into half-square triangles and in one case, already sewn, trimmed and pressed! What was I thinking putting that away!!!

Anyway, looking forward to a new year of finding my fabric, using my fabric and in some cases being delighted to find something I didn't remember even having!

Happy sewing everyone!
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