Old 01-06-2023, 12:06 AM
Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by Snooze2978 View Post
Starching before cutting as I don't wash my fabrics. The starch will show if the fabric will bleed and then you can take care of the issue. Plus I heavily mist it once dry so if it's going to shrink some, it should do it then. I also use Elmer's Glue to attach my binding to the quilt before I take it to the machine to stitch down using the iron to heat set it. This way I have no pins to prick me and I know I have enough binding beforehand. I also use the glue if I have blocks that have to be matchined and pinning just distorts it. I've used the glue also to piece my backings if I'm trying to play matchy matchy.
brilliant! As a beginner, thank you for posting this, consider it duly noted and written down for frequent future reference!
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