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Old 04-25-2023, 11:10 AM
Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 5

Yes, the rocking finger is what opens and closes as the "loop" is pulled down from the eye of the needle. It has consistently been working it's way loose so I have to continually re-time it. I can't tighten it down too much because it could bind up the machine. I can try getting a new bobbin case - I do sometimes hear it rattling around when sewing.
When it comes to the scheduling of maintenance, I've had the machine serviced in the past - and I have a local repair technician that lives one town over from me...however he has stated he's not allowed to service any machine unless he's been given a confirmation of service from Gammill themselves. It's so frustrating that I'm considering selling my machine and getting something a company will actually stand behind.
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