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Old 05-06-2023, 04:51 AM
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oh, I would have loved to have seen that. Thank you for sharing the image.
There was just one at the Longview show, but fun to look at.
My plan right now is improv like Elm Street Quilts
Her blocks are 1"x2" I think, mine, to fit the size I want will be 1.3"X3.5" finished on this first one. I've been practicing adding the insert and putting the block back together straight using scrap fabric. Not easy. I'd rather not make big and cut down because my fabric is limited. I think the key is a tiny nip off the pointy end of the piece I'm adding back on, but like tumblers, it seems just right is infinitestable.

I 'think' for the wedding year I'll do a folded corner technique. Less thinking

Would love to see progress on anyone else's temperature quilt!
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