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Old 06-30-2023, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by WMUTeach View Post
Yes, indeed it does look like a spider web. I made one once or should I say I tried one. I used triangular papers from MSQ and attempting to make a dent in my scraps. All I ended up doing was wasting time. After letting it sit and stew for a few years, like 8 or 9 of them, I bundled it up and sent it off to my local Goodwill shop. I hated the look of the thing. Yes, I put all of those pieced blocks on the wall and, despised what I saw. Since then I have learned a few things about quilting, piecing and scrap quilts in particular. I might try it again but then, why would I make spiderwebs when I spend time sweeping them out of my home. Tee-Hee-Hee. Enjoy your quilt and three cheers for finishing someone else's start.
I've got a project or two that I also just "ended up wasting time!" One recently went in the trash bin.
Just wanted to say nice job on the spider web quilt.
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