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Old 01-03-2024, 03:52 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,107

Thanks Gemm for starting this up!

I moved so much fabric but I did pass on about as much. In the past 10 years I have gone from an entire room full of fabric to a hefty closet full. In some ways it was very helpful to me to see/feel the weight of what I have. I know I will be buying some fabric this year, mostly civil war reprints in colors I don't have so I can use up the browns I do have... I won't really mention the buying in this thread but I should acknowledge it at this point.

Now that I'm out of the big city and spent my year in pre-moving and not-buying and reducing in general, I've largely broken my thrift store fabric shopping addiction.

I will have to reorganize my fabric, towards the end I was filling my sorted half-full tubs with random things. As I go through, I will be putting ideas together but my big goal for this year is to finish/quilt down some of the many tops I also moved with me. I think I do have backs for each of them, some pieced and some the extra large size. There isn't a moratorium on buying long arms I will be actively looking for one. Don't think I can afford robotics but will be ok with free motion and a stitch regulator and am thrilled to have enough physical space.
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