Thread: Boom 31 Spring
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Old 04-29-2024, 05:13 AM
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As too fixing blocks that come out a bit small, Since I sash so much, it's not a problem for me to deal with it by adjusting the size of the sashing on a block or two. And sometimes, like with one of my sets, I am using 10" and 12" blocks, and will need to cut two of what I'm getting down to the 10" size to make the layout work. Lucky for me, there are a few blocks made that will be super easy to do that to without changing the look of the block.

One of my tricks to not getting small blocks is to cut the outer pieces a bit on the long side where it will be the edge of the block - like if the block has 2.5" squares, I'll cut the edge ones at 2.5x 2.75 and the corners at 2.75x2.75. That way I'm more likely to end up with a bit to trim than being a bit skimpy. My points may not always be where they should be, but my blocks aren't going to be undersized. I know that if I didn't do that, the bulk of my blocks would end up about 1/8" undersized. I do a lot of "slightly oversize and trim down" when sewing, But I also like to use small pieces and there is no way you can get them to work unless you do that.

Today I am packing up my stash and breakable stuff. the fabric makes wonderful padding for those items, and I've got plenty! Last time I moved, I had 50 boxes of fabric, so I'm interested to see if I've managed to shrink my stash at all in the last five years. I'm pretty sure I've not bought that much fabric, and I've made a lot of quilts. I'm going to have a smaller stash closet at the new place so maybe that will help me to get it down in size. And if I'm really lucky, my DD will want to start using some of it. I also have a stay at home Mom on one side and a newly retired lady on the other, so maybe I can entice one of them to take up the quilting hobby.
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