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  • HOME DÉCOR SWAP #2 - entry closes April 19, 2013

  • HOME DÉCOR SWAP #2 - entry closes April 19, 2013

    Old 07-29-2013, 10:17 PM
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    i know what you mran, jan! i have a small emb and sew, an embroidery only and a sew only. then there are theolder machines for support. and i haven't learned to use the embroidery functiom/ will have to just do it! yeah, right
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    Old 07-30-2013, 03:26 AM
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    I haven't run off from this blog I am running off from my lap top. the print is in 100000 size letters and it frustrates me having ot move the screen left to right to use it. I need pc help with this new windows system to find things like the start menu how to turn the machine off not just close it, how to make the screen play nice and stay one size and not blow up to jumbo everytime I use it. I cant read anything argh! any helpers please call the brat here in Wyoming anand give me some heads up. today I will take it to dialysis to see if someone there knows anything about it .. doubt it computers seem to be optional around here. not one of my three neighbors has the internet. wtheck? le brat needs her net fix (not to be confused with Netflix).. somebody! HELP!
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    Old 07-30-2013, 03:29 PM
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    I did sew on it a little. I had some ties for a project to make, so once I got things set up, I stitched them out. I'll have to fix Dusty's pants at some point tonight too. The man got home this afternoon, bearing gifts! 2 pair of Ecco sandals, 4 bags of licorice, some flat chocolate you ear on bread, skinkost (a soft spreadable cheese that's got ham bits in it & is just awesome!), and more bread mix. He also brought home a request for a maker's apron for his sister in law in Christmas fabric. I talked to her & offered to make a matching one for the man's little nephew who'll be 1 in early October.

    Other than fixing pants, it's going to be a quiet night. We ordered Thai, which will be delivered in the next 20-30 minutes, and we're going to lay on the couch & watch Ocean's 11. He's got to go to Atlanta after dinner tomorrow overnight.
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    Old 07-30-2013, 11:47 PM
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    just waiting for it to be time to get up and get ready to go to the plane to fly to dallas to see my kids (mc coming in from london!) and celebrate dgd's 2nd b;day. little prince georgie has nothin' on my girl! i will finish the dress when i can see it on her. making another one would be fast, so no problem! her mom will be nuts, but that's ok, too. i can't wait!! (did you guess? lol). dogs and cats all taken care of! found someone to do my fence! made a table runner for ddil as i bribe to let me stay there, lol. it came out cute, but the camera is packed so y'all will have to wait! practisin my texan! messed up my arm again, so guess the writing is on the wall for that. ignoring it has not improved it, oh, what a shock. after more than a year of this i feel a cranky coming on!
    d'sm!!!!!_ i heard licorice in there! you have licorice i can tell! hand it over and ain't nobody going to get hurt!! i will send that little item we talkked about as soon as it won't turn to sauce on the way to your house!! altho' with global warming who knows when that will be? april? may?? have a great wednesday! i'm going to!! yippee!!
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    Old 07-31-2013, 02:35 AM
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    Wow Nancia you get a vacation you get a vacation! I am happy for you as it seems you always love to go see the kids and now grand daughters too! Unfortunately for you cowgirl you best hold your darn horses there Missy. There is a new Sheriff in this town and she goes by Sheriff Brat to you. So.. that licorice. Has a hand on it already and it aint yours! Claimers Keepers! Claimers Keepers! WHAT DUSTYSMOMMA HAS EATEN ALL FOUR
    BAGS? best get your guns out them is fighten words. or some such.

    I think your maybe happy he is home again Dustysmomma? good for a break good when they return. Never heard of the cheese before with ham in it. its more a cream cheese consistency? sounds delicious I love cheese and I love ham it works for me. Skip that nutella garbage. cheese with ham oh heck yeah. and when will the bread be ready? we can all be there later this afternoon I think for a mid day snack and a ice cold glass of something. You put those pretty gold shoes of yours on and I will put bells in my hair and its a PARTY. have you tried your new machine out yet? I just heard from my partner queen of 2802 she says she hasn't finished my runner but has something she has decided to send me so I am excited at the prospect of a surprise. who doesn't like that?

    OK I VOTE NOW its TIME FOR SIGN UPS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SURPRISE SWAP! might draw more in never know.. could be a blast could be the end to our little club here of gossip and life stories. sigh we might never know if you don't post it

    last night I made venison stew. Let me say I soaked it in milk overnight, I coated in flour browned the meat, added lots of chopped onions, garlic carrots celery tomatoes beef broth, worchestershire, um... red wine.. the stew was very delicious. Steve ate it. He wasn't fond I could tell but he did eat his whole bowl minus the carrots and potatos and celery that he could pick out.. lol.. ok he had the broth part and meat and lots of buttered bread to choke it down with. Needless to say it wont be on his menu any time soon. I am impressed he tried it.

    thai food? Gosh I Miss that! I will have to ask Jan if there is any in the entire state of Wyoming. I am dead sure there are no middle eastern food restaurants here locally. Cody has four Mexican, one Chinese and bbq/steak/mom pop places. OH wait we have one Italian restaurant. Too bad while their food is good they are not. Steve ordered spaghetti and meatballs. he was given one meatball and it was smaller than a golf ball. He wont go back. I love Italian too! oh face it brat eating out is not all that. I make a pretty good meatball too. and if you come here for dinner I might even give you TWO!
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    Old 07-31-2013, 04:10 AM
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    It's nice to have him home. He managed to bring home a big groin boil with him though, so that's part of why we ended up sprawled on the couch for dinner and Ocean's 11, and in bed at 9:30. Poor guy has 2 meetings today 5 hours apart & then has to drive to Atlanta tonight for meetings all day tomorrow. I can't remember if he comes home tomorrow or the next day. Then, 2 weeks from Friday he's off to Korea for a week. I think that's his last conference until late September, which I think is in California.

    Brat, here's the Thai dish I made last night, always a hit:


    I always double the amount peanut butter though, so the peanut flavor is a little more pronounced. Tonight it's easy peasy Swedish meatballs. I use frozen meatballs and this sauce, but leave out the rosemary:


    I wish we had a decent Italian place here. We have two, but they're mediocre at best, especially after you've been to Italy and had the real thing. We used to have a Johnny Carino's, then it shut down and they opened a Milano's in that building, but it closed too. Both were chains. Milano's portions were huge, and the food was good. There's still one open close to my best friend's house, which I didn't know about until Saturday. It'd be worth the 25 minutes each way to get some decent Italian! Anyway, that building now has a place called Ozzio's Pizza, which also has some pasta dishes as well. They haven't been open long, but the 1 time we went there, Dusty had chicken alfredo, the man had pizza, and I had calzone, and I won the "who has the best food" competition because the pizza dough didn't have enough flavor for a thin crust.

    I've been intentionally putting off posting the new swap, I admit it. I don't want the shipping deadline to conflict with another long swap. I also think that the 2 month period to work on the projects for this swap is too long, so too easily forgotten, but haven't had the opportunity to discuss that with Patrice yet. I'll try to work on that this weekend.
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    Old 07-31-2013, 05:21 AM
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    NANCIA with the plethora of machines you have SURELY you can learn how to use them all right or simply oh I don't know send the ones you don't know how to use (ie your embroidery machine) to me! this way your not stuck with a machine that frustrates you because you haven't got it down yet. Or you could come to Wyoming and takelessons from our dear Jan! or go to Oregon and take them from our Marybeth! see! ideas!

    ok don't laugh to loud at me but when I first read your man came home with a groin boil I thought is that some damned Danish food? then it hit me you had thai food so .. oh gross! yup my mind is so warped I don't think when I think at times Thanks for the recipes that is my favorite site, love the reviews which help make a great dish in the end. I have a microwave ground turkey with peanut butter and all sorts of thai flavored things and its awfully good too. same with a chicken and potato stew in coconut milk that is thai. yum... now to get Steve to eat that also.. hah!
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    Old 08-01-2013, 07:31 PM
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    Originally Posted by DustysMomma

    I've been intentionally putting off posting the new swap, I admit it. I don't want the shipping deadline to conflict with another long swap. I also think that the 2 month period to work on the projects for this swap is too long, so too easily forgotten, but haven't had the opportunity to discuss that with Patrice yet. I'll try to work on that this weekend.
    Honestly, that is what happened to me. I signed up for a wall hanging, mug rug, Tablerunner/Mat, and this one. The deadline for each of them were within days of each other. I did learn a valuable lesson, I AM NOT WONDERWOMAN! Thought that I could get them all done, but I also chose detailed projects and time was not on my side. Then once I did get 2 of the 4 shipped, I got sick and then the other 2 didn't get finished. Still hand quilting. While I was staying at Mom's last week we sat down at her little machine and stitched up a few tablerunners for upcoming gifts.

    Elizabrat, I forgot to snap a photo of your runner. Still went with the "watermelon" theme. I really liked how it turned out. Mom thought yours was the cutes!

    Hope you girls will let me play in future swaps.
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    Old 08-02-2013, 05:14 AM
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    Queen the deal with the swaps is regardless of excuses some excellent I am sure people get hurt feelings when items are sent then a return item is not received. hence the name SWAP not gifting. So I am sure if you get your ducks in a row people will allow you to swap again but you should work hard at not over signing up been there done that it ends up not fun and two.. not waiting .. most swaps have a long deadline to make things say 2 to four months. putting things off ends up being a rotten idea in the end. so if you work on your timeline better so your done early you will be safe and well accepted into any swap here.
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    Old 08-02-2013, 09:47 AM
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    Elisabrat, go easy now. Everyone handles swap differently, and not everyone can have their swap item(s) finished a month, or even a week sometimes, before the deadline, which is why the deadlines are as long out as they are. We don't know what came up to delay the completion or non-shipment of anyone who didn't complete their swap here. Wouldn't you feel badly if you'd learned someone wasn't done on time because they lost a child, had a close family member who was brutally murdered, or were in a coma themselves? Having lost a child myself, I can assure you that under any of these circumstances, a sewing swap would be the last thing to be worried about. Yes, people sometimes go AWOL, but I try to believe that people are inherently good and have all intentions of fulfilling the obligations they make, and that the people who completely disappear likely do so out of embarrassment over being gone so long. I have to say though, that people shipping and not getting in return is why the Patrice requires us to add to the signup post that you're not supposed to ship until both parties indicate they are ready. Shipping early is always at your own risk, no matter what your reasons are.

    Let's please let this go and discuss happier things.
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