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Old 02-28-2022, 02:16 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
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Posts: 5,752

Spent some time tidying up, putting away all the thread I bought at MAQF this weekend and also rearranged the 9 Debby Brown quilts that were stored in a single large roll on a shelf in my studio closet. It was getting too heavy for me to take down when I need to add another quilt, and since I've got one more in the works, I'm going to need to add it to the shelf. Hence, I unrolled the quilts and folded them neatly so they stack on the shelf. Now I can easily put away the October one once I get it done.

I'm wanting to do some more decluttering, but I'm kind of stuck- not sure where to begin for the next phase. Now that I have mostly gotten rid of the stuff that was taking up floor and table spaces and found homes for most of the stuff that actually gets used, I'm finding that I'm not that bothered by what is here and it's easier to keep the house cleaned and straightened up. But, I still feel like there is waaaaaay too much stuff in the house.

Anyone have any suggestions for how to get unstuck?????

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