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wilhelmina 09-30-2010 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Butterflyspain
Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I went today to help set things up with 2 of my girlfriends. We arrived around 3pm and left around 5pm. There was still a lot to do, but my then the men had arrived and were ready to hang the quilts on the higher rods in the ceiling. You are going to love all the things I am going to show you, there were pieces there that I hadnīt seen at all.

We have two quilts to raffle and everyone of our group brought cakes so we are going to sell tea/coffee and cake and all the proceeds from the raffle will go to the local childrens orphange, so hopefully we will do really well for them. I have a 9.30 till 1.30 stint tomorrow, so I will wander round and take photos for you all. Hopefully will get them posted before I go away on holiday.

Looking forward to it.


Looking forward to seeing your pics! :D

sandpat 09-30-2010 04:07 PM

*banging my head against the wall....BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!* I'm working on H-8....I just did the same dumb thing wrong- 3 times in a row!!! AAAKKKKKKK!!!

jolo 09-30-2010 04:31 PM

Oh that is the one I am working on for my Singing the Blues Jane.

Butterflyspain 09-30-2010 08:07 PM

Well that sounds something to look forward too. Hope you get it sorted out Patti, donīt you just hate that when something doesnīt come together for you.

Will post pics of the show when I get back today so look out for a thread called "Spanish Quilt Show" Okay


Janstar 09-30-2010 09:02 PM

Have a wonderful show Elle and I'll be waiting for photos!

sandpat 10-01-2010 05:03 AM

Have fun at the show Elle!!

I put the block down and I think I figured out what I was doing wrong..I sewed the "print" fabric in the wrong spot...:oops:

Butterflyspain 10-01-2010 06:03 AM

Oh I did have fun and I was speaking to some Spanish ladies who were in total awe at what they saw. Hope you think the same. I do have a lot of pictures to post so let me get them all posted for you.

cherrio 10-01-2010 08:55 AM

hi! new to this forum so . . . do I have to purchase software n such to participate in this quilt block adventure?

Butterflyspain 10-01-2010 09:02 AM

You can purchase the software which comes with a book of instructions its called "Dear Jane Quilt Design Software. JoAnns, Amazon to name but two have it. Comes with all the patterns either applique, Paper piecing or templates in the software which you can just print off. It is stand alone software and you donīt need EQ at all.

Come on and join us, we are having a blast, you can view all the weeks we have done as well.


jolo 10-01-2010 02:19 PM

Yes Cherrio join in ,the more the merrier, and more blocks to ooooooh and aaaaaaah over. You will become addicted along with the rest of us.

sandpat 10-01-2010 04:24 PM

Yes...another new one joining us!! I hope so!! Its so addicting and soo much fun!

Lacelady 10-02-2010 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Yes...another new one joining us!! I hope so!! Its so addicting and soo much fun!

The more the merrier (or dafter? LOL)

QuiltswithConvicts 10-02-2010 11:42 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Welcome, Cherrio! These ladies are the greatest support network you could ask for!

Here are 2 corners that I have finished!!! Just couldn't resist doing them - out of order (mine). Only 6 more triangles & 2 corners left to go! Wheeeeeee!

Need to come up with a name for my Baby. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)

sandpat 10-02-2010 04:10 PM

Kathy...huge sigh...those are beautiful!!! I'm going wild here on the final leg for me. I've printed off the kites, but haven't started them yet.

Lesley...I was thinking (I know...very dangerous..but..) did you cut your blocks to size prior to your quilting them? Did it make much difference in the size after quilting? I was thinking of doing mine on the machine, then thought..oh no...machine quilting can draw up the quilt..so wonder if I need to bite the bullet and just wait until I have the whole thing (or maybe larger sections) sewn together before I quilt. What do you think?

wilhelmina 10-03-2010 05:44 PM

Kathy, those are lovely kites. If your quilt was all blue you could have named it the Blue Lady or how about Senorita Jane, as a take off on your state name...

What are the dimensions of the kites? I'm sure I have seen them, I was going to print them from the software. Thanks

luvmortherest 10-03-2010 06:31 PM

not sure but i think that the kites are 8 by 8

QuiltswithConvicts 10-03-2010 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by wilhelmina
Kathy, those are lovely kites. If your quilt was all blue you could have named it the Blue Lady or how about Senorita Jane, as a take off on your state name...

What are the dimensions of the kites? I'm sure I have seen them, I was going to print them from the software. Thanks

Thanks for the name suggestion.

Don't know what the exact dimensions are, but they are the Top Left and Bottom Left Corners on Jane's original quilt. I just made them blue instead of pink.

sandpat 10-04-2010 06:00 AM

Those are great name suggestions for Kathy's quilt! I started the TLC kite last night. I'm doing it via English PP. I had never tried that before, so yet another new" technique for me in this quilt. Man...there have been a bunch of them!

Meredith...just click on "size from quilt" before you print the kites. They are 8 x 8 though.

Also..I posted week 40 for us.

wilhelmina 10-04-2010 05:04 PM

Thanks Luv & Patti! 8 X 8 they will be... :D

luvmortherest 10-04-2010 08:18 PM

you are welcome

Lacelady 10-05-2010 08:06 AM

Patti, I cut all my blocks to size as per the ruler, after a good spritz with Best Press. I couldn't tell any difference after quilting, but I don't think I ever actually measured them if I am honest.
I think they are too small to make much difference. If they were, for instance, 20in square, then perhaps they would lose half an inch or so, but this small, I doubt if you would notice.

sandpat 10-05-2010 08:28 AM

I was thinking that I would try one just to play with. I have a little block here that I messed up..I know...:shock:..its shocking that I "messed up" on one isn't it??? :lol::lol:!!

Butterflyspain 10-05-2010 09:23 AM

Hi I am back from Gibraltar and had a fab time there with my daughter. Ate for a whole football team and thought I had puyt on loads of weight but didnīt, so should have just kept eating LOL

Am not going back to England as my biggest dog is having health issues. Will join in a bit more tomorrow after I come back from the airport to see my daughter off to England. i will miss her terribly.

You are all doing great things with DJ got a lot ot catch up with I see you have started week 40..... give a girl a chance will ya

Elle x

sandpat 10-05-2010 05:19 PM

Elle...so glad you are back safely and that you had a great time. No rush on to week 40....you'll fly through them..

And I'm so sorry about your pup...hope he will be ok..:sad:

ProLongarmARTQUILTER 10-05-2010 05:20 PM

I amstill with you all, Keeping on, Blocks are Lovely!!!

sandpat 10-05-2010 05:44 PM

Good going Pro...we'd love to see some of your lovely blocks!

QuiltswithConvicts 10-05-2010 07:17 PM

I've hit a snag - I've got a terrible case of the donwannas! So I marked the last 2 corners as all the triangles are finished.

Tomorrow is a big day for me. We are doing a "photo shoot" for an upcoming issue of a quilting magazine that is "national" in scope. It will be in the February/March issue of ????????? Well, I can't tell it all in one setting. Gotta keep a little info back for the next time. ☺

It all started when I posted the long item about my quilting program that yielded my screen name. One of the editors is a lurker here (maybe someday, she'll come out of hiding) & read the thread, PM'd me and things were off and running. So, tomorrow we are shooting in the day rooms of the housing unit where I work. The guys are getting excited about this, too.

Anyway, I'm distracted & was having a tough time stitching on a corner block, so I put it away.

Thanks to all who suggested names for my Baby. She will be called "Jane's Journey." She was started in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with many fabrics I bought in Nashua, New Hampshire when we lived there. I hauled ALL my fabric to WI in 1991. Bought more fabric in WI and hauled ALL of it to NM in 2001, along with the partially finished Baby Jane. She & I have been on a journey together, so itis now Jane's Journey.

Have a pieceful evening, everyone.

sandpat 10-05-2010 07:32 PM

Oh WWaaahhhhhhh! You can't just drop a bomb like that then waltzy off! You are doing a mag. shoot??? For who???? Long article along with quilt photos??? The whole story??? Congrats on it...sounds exciting...now we'll have to wait for your "Chapter 2" I guess. You know its hard for a girl to only have part of the info!

I think your Jane has a perfect name. I don't know how you are concentrating on finishing it with all this other going on..great job!

Janstar 10-05-2010 08:30 PM

Way to go Kathy! I'll look foreward to reading about you and your boys!!

Butterflyspain 10-05-2010 09:43 PM

Good name Kathy, seems its been around quite a bit of territory. Really exciting about the photo shoot, good luck with that.


QuiltswithConvicts 10-06-2010 03:56 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Oh WWaaahhhhhhh! You can't just drop a bomb like that then waltzy off! You are doing a mag. shoot??? For who???? Long article along with quilt photos??? The whole story??? Congrats on it...sounds exciting...now we'll have to wait for your "Chapter 2" I guess. You know its hard for a girl to only have part of the info!

I think your Jane has a perfect name. I don't know how you are concentrating on finishing it with all this other going on..great job!

Oh, Patti - 8 years ago, I had to learn to be patient. In a prison, nothing happens quickly unless it's an emergency. Even then, response isn't instant.

Chapter - the magazine is "Quilter's ....." Stay tuned for the next exciting episode when more of the mystery is unveiled.

Actually, there isn't all that much happening with this article. The editor & I have been emailing back & forth since August. Our corporate offices have had to be involved - we needed their blessing (and got it!) I was interviewed by phone last Wednesday. Today, our Public Information Officer & I are doing the photo shoot. We will email the editor and attach the pictures. The editors will select the ones they want. If they need more, they'll let us know.

I only got excited yesterday when I revealed to the inmates that this was going to happen today. Those little busy bees have been thinking about all sorts of photos. I passed out a questionnaire as this magazine wants quotes & comments by the inmates. Press releases will need to be signed by the inmates if their faces are shown. Some probably don't want to be seen & I'm fine with that. We won't be using names, just initials - anonymity you know. I'm looking to contrast the grayness of the prison with the colorfulness of the quilts. This should be an interesting, if not fun morning!

The name came to me last night while I was fidgiting and not getting anything done. I guess I can't be doing something and thinking about something else!

QuiltswithConvicts 10-06-2010 03:58 AM

Thanks, Elle. Glad to see you back from holiday.

Butterflyspain 10-06-2010 04:53 AM

Well girls all that leading up to the show in Spain and then looking forward to my holiday has really had a downer on my sewing, I need a good kick up the whatsit to get me going again.

Think I will print out the corners for the quilt and see if that inspires me again, just something different to get going if you know what I mean.


sandpat 10-06-2010 06:07 AM

Kathy..ya' know I'm just ribbin' you :D: Actually I'm really excited for you. Thats such a great program and I know you enjoy it so much that its fun to have the recognition for it. It sounds so interesting. Have fun with the photo shoot today!

Elle...need for me to send you a virtual kick in the trousers???? :wink:....((((((GET GOIN' GIRL!!!!!)))))) there, did that help? I've done the TLC...so you need to get busy :lol:

Butterflyspain 10-06-2010 06:14 AM

Well it did help a bit Patti. I have a question though. How big are those corners for the quilt. I thought maybe 8" x 8".

There is one there called BLC Goshen that looks like a real horror and TRC Longwood is not much better.

See I printed some out so thats a step in the right direction.

I shall knuckle down on Tuesday at the club and get going again.


sandpat 10-06-2010 04:21 PM

Yes Elle, the corners are 8 x 8, but just click on "size from quilt". That will get you there. Those are tough looking, but I don't think they will really be as hard as they look. The one with the stars..just applique the stars on when you finish the pp'ing. I did the TLC using the old English PP method. That was a new technique for me..not too hard though. You'll do just fine with all of them.

QuiltswithConvicts 10-06-2010 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Butterflyspain
Well it did help a bit Patti. I have a question though. How big are those corners for the quilt. I thought maybe 8" x 8".

There is one there called BLC Goshen that looks like a real horror and TRC Longwood is not much better.

See I printed some out so thats a step in the right direction.

I shall knuckle down on Tuesday at the club and get going again.


I measured the pattern for those corners and they are 11 1/4" (286mm) x 7 3/4 (197mm).

The worst one - Bottom Left - has 75 pieces, the Top Right has 56, Top Left has 30, and the Bottom Right has 18 pieces. I pieced in all the stars, no applique as those points are a little too slender for my comfort zone in applique. Now, paper-piecing - that's another story.

Photo shoot went really well. Can't wait to see everything in print in "Quilter's...."

Love you guys!!!

sandpat 10-06-2010 05:50 PM

Kathy...I can't wait to see it in print either..when you finally tell us what mag :lol: so glad to hear the shoot went well. :D:

Elle, Kathy is measuring the corners differently from how the software measures them. To be safe though..just click the "size from quilt" box. I think that Lesley said she appliqued the stars, but the do have those really sharp small points. Man, Kathy...I hadn't counted the pieces..thats alot..but we CAN do them! :lol:

QuiltswithConvicts 10-06-2010 07:18 PM

I measured from the points. The book doesn't have any info on size other than the blocks finish at 4 1/2" and there are 1/2" sashings between all the blocks and 1/4" sashings around the outside edges. There is no info on the scallops - not even a pattern. I am planning on adding aqbout 4" all around for a border that will become the scallops. I'm thinking I may alter the corner scallops as I don't really like the "nipple" effect that the original has. I think a nice, gentle curve will do quite nicely.

Yup, lots of pieces - teeny, tiny pieces - lots of 'em! ☺ And I hanb pieced 'em all. Will really be glad to get these last 2 finished. Not much stitching tonight either. Wednesdays are "WalMart after work" nights. By the time I get home, I'm pooped. Something simple for dinner and off to put feet up and chill.

I guess I'm going to have to start subscribing to Quilter's Home Magazine.

Butterflyspain 10-06-2010 11:25 PM

Thanks Kathy and Patti. I will have a look and see what size mine printed out at but thanks for all the info. That star one looks like a LOT of fun (not) anyway it will be a good test ha ha.

There are scallops Kathy in the software. Where the corner points are further along are the scallops, two different ones I just looked briefly though.

Well will have to subscribe to that mag as well so that I can show off and tell my friends "Thats one of my friends on the Quilting board" smug ass that I am LOL

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