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-   -   [DEAR] JANE STICKLE CYBER BLOCK PARTY - Jan 2010 thru May/Jun 2011 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/%5Bdear%5D-jane-stickle-cyber-block-party-jan-2010-thru-may-jun-2011-a-t28063.html)

luvmortherest 07-08-2010 05:27 PM

wonderful news jolo. will continue with the prayers. DH and i know how important they are and how well they work. they worked for him when he had his transplant.

Butterflyspain 07-08-2010 10:20 PM

Wil, schedule not changed, but some are just working a week in advance or maybe even two as they have other things going.


DOTTYMO 07-08-2010 10:48 PM

I have just started. When I have finished 12 blocks do I join? When do i start joining and do they have to be joined with each row a's togeter b's etc?

Lacelady 07-08-2010 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by DOTTYMO
I have just started. When I have finished 12 blocks do I join? When do i start joining and do they have to be joined with each row a's togeter b's etc?

It very much depends if you want to join your blocks in the order that Jane did. She joined her blocks in rows of 13 blocks, with a half inch sashing. I used three quarter inch sashing, but with our schedule as it is, if you want to use the blocks in Jane's order, you won't actually be able to join a row until much later.

On the other hand, if you aren't bothered about using Jane's order of blocks, then of course you can go ahead and join a row of them. It's your quilt and you can do what you want - there are several pics of quilts in the book that don't use Jane's setting.

Lacelady 07-09-2010 01:40 AM

I posted a thread for week 29 in case anyone wanted to post early (I have heard one or two of you are ahead of yourselves at the moment) Please forgive me for getting Jane's name wrong, fingers obviously weren't working well at the time, or brain was in meltdown!

Lacelady 07-09-2010 11:42 PM

On the week 29 thread, Elle asked how many people are still working away on their Janes, and please would you let us know how things are going for you, and what week you are on.

I don't want you to think that because you are not quite managing to keep to the schedule, that you are forgotten.

jolo 07-10-2010 06:17 AM

Im still in. working on 29

Lacelady 07-10-2010 08:39 AM

Well done Jolo, who else is still out there?

DOTTYMO 07-10-2010 08:57 AM

I'm on week 1. Just found you. Will catch up before 2011.

Butterflyspain 07-10-2010 09:19 AM

Great Dottymo, I am so glad you are participating. Some have started on the week we are at then worked backwards.
We are on some easier blocks at the moment too which helps
Glad you are participating will add your name to the list

Butterflyspain 07-10-2010 09:26 AM

Just realised you are from Alton Towers are you near that big theme park?


DOTTYMO 07-10-2010 10:12 AM

About 5 minutes away. from my bedroom window I can watch most of the fireworks and laser displays without getting cold or wet. About twenty years ago I had a caravan in the towers where the Theme hotel is now. I lived there all summer and went to work from there. It was fantastic. Now adays there are less cars going but more helicopters. Last time I went was about 6 years ago. I feel it has been spoilt. There is in the Theme park area the old building which was in |Living tv 'Most Haunted' this programme also took you down to the chained oak which is just outside the Theme Park .

Butterflyspain 07-10-2010 10:13 AM

Wonderful memories heh. You can keep your fireworks though, I am geeing myself up for the football match if Spain win, they will go potty.


Lacelady 07-10-2010 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by DOTTYMO
About 5 minutes away. from my bedroom window I can watch most of the fireworks and laser displays without getting cold or wet. About twenty years ago I had a caravan in the towers where the Theme hotel is now. I lived there all summer and went to work from there. It was fantastic. Now adays there are less cars going but more helicopters. Last time I went was about 6 years ago. I feel it has been spoilt. There is in the Theme park area the old building which was in |Living tv 'Most Haunted' this programme also took you down to the chained oak which is just outside the Theme Park .

Nice to have you with us Dotty - don't envy you lots of helicopters though.

sandpat 07-10-2010 06:38 PM

So great that you are joining us Dotty! You'll be up with us in no time and if not...thats fine too. Its just nice to have a group all working on the same thing...we can all whine together about the hard blocks. :lol:

wilhelmina 07-11-2010 08:13 AM

Welcome Dotty!

wilhelmina 07-11-2010 08:14 AM

If you are working on your Jane quilt, on your own schedule, lurking in the shadows...:lol: :lol: :lol: please post some pics and let us know how you are doing...we love to see different fabrics and hear easy/fast methods on how to construct these little gems.

luvmortherest 07-11-2010 07:26 PM

i am still plugging away on week 13

wilhelmina 07-11-2010 09:11 PM

Luv, but you are doing sets...so its like you would be on Week 26 if you were doing only one set! :lol:

DOTTYMO 07-11-2010 11:26 PM

I've done all the 'A' row. Will be going slower now the television is back to normal ie no football. My friend says i should not be paper piecing the blocks is this correct?

Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 12:03 AM

Hi Dotty, Technically your friend is correct as the original was not paper pieced, however things have moved on from there and anything that make it easier is alright in my book.

Keep right on the way you feel happiest


Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by luvmortherest
i am still plugging away on week 13

Well good for you. I remember you showing two sets so you are doing fantastic. Keep up the good work and lets see your blocks from time to time. Look forward to that.


Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 12:08 AM

I have been writing peoples names down as they confirmed they were still doing the DJ

Here is the list
Rachel - sorry canīt remember your sign in name
and me butterflyspain

Have I forgotten anyone????? Please let me know

I am sure there are more

athenagwis 07-12-2010 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by Butterflyspain
I have been writing peoples names down as they confirmed they were still doing the DJ

Here is the list
Rachel - sorry canīt remember your sign in name
and me butterflyspain

Have I forgotten anyone????? Please let me know

I am sure there are more

I'm Athenagwis .... :) working on my third block!! LOL :)


ilovejunkandstuff 07-12-2010 01:45 AM

Hello, my name is Paige and I am going to start Dear Jane today. I have a frend on this board teaching me to sew...
JoLo you are the best. And I will do my best to remember 1/4" seam allowence is there for many good reasons. I have my ruler handy.

kimby1213 07-12-2010 05:35 AM

I'm working on mine with my LQS... We won't be finished until 2012 tho.
I'm up to 34 blocks finished! I'll post pics as I go. I follow all the posts from the Cyber sew pretty much every day.

Icandothat 07-12-2010 06:05 AM

I'm still hanging in and learning from each of you. I am working on the weeks that were scheduled to be completed in June. Lot of life events keep happening. One of my sons had open heart surgery 10 days ago. He had two valves replaced. And....DH is having some significant health issues.
Even though I share my trials with you, please know that my life is sooooo blessed.

Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 06:38 AM

Welcome, welcome, welcome to three more.

Sorry Rachel, forgot your name completely Athenagwis, it doesnīt easily roll off my tongue LOL

So three more to add to the list above

We would love to see your blocks when you have time to post them.


Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 06:40 AM

Good luck Paige, we look forward to seeing your blocks.

Thanks Jolo for showing a friend the way to go.


Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by Icandothat
I'm still hanging in and learning from each of you. I am working on the weeks that were scheduled to be completed in June. Lot of life events keep happening. One of my sons had open heart surgery 10 days ago. He had two valves replaced. And....DH is having some significant health issues.
Even though I share my trials with you, please know that my life is sooooo blessed.

Icandothat, welcome, I am so sorry to hear of your problems with your children and DH, I will keep them in my thoughts, I am sure you are blessed.


Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by kimby1213
I'm working on mine with my LQS... We won't be finished until 2012 tho.
I'm up to 34 blocks finished! I'll post pics as I go. I follow all the posts from the Cyber sew pretty much every day.

Kimby1213, Lets have a peek please, we love seeing pictures.

DOTTYMO 07-12-2010 09:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have been working all afternoon on this one block. Do other people take so long or is it me??

DOTTYMO 07-12-2010 09:11 AM

I have been working all afternoon on this one block. Do other people take so long or is it me??

Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 09:33 AM

Hi Dotty, No you are not slow, some blocks took me simply ages. there are some blocks which are very complex in this quilt. Just keep plodding Like I did, you will get faster even on the complex ones believe me.

Having said all that, I have not made any blocks for 2 days. Yikes lol

athenagwis 07-12-2010 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by DOTTYMO
I have been working all afternoon on this one block. Do other people take so long or is it me??

Nope some take forever for me too and I am making 2 of each!! :shock: :shock: LOL And I haven't even gotten to the harder ones yet! :) That's why this project is so rewarding I think, because it's not one you can just throw together in a day, it's truly a labor of love. I figure if my quilting time was worth $30/hour, this quilt would cost well over $15,000!! :shock: :shock: It will be a family heirloom for sure.


eleftheria 07-12-2010 11:26 AM

Hi Dottymo,it toke me 6 mone to do the quilt top working every day and night and doing more then one block at a time,know that it is finished it i love it .Iam working on the triangles it is not easy but i love it any way .

kimby1213 07-12-2010 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by Butterflyspain

Originally Posted by kimby1213
I'm working on mine with my LQS... We won't be finished until 2012 tho.
I'm up to 34 blocks finished! I'll post pics as I go. I follow all the posts from the Cyber sew pretty much every day.

Kimby1213, Lets have a peek please, we love seeing pictures.

I'll have to take some pics next week of my progress. I won't have time to do it this week because I am going out of town on Wednesday.

sandpat 07-12-2010 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by eleftheria
Hi Dottymo,it toke me 6 mone to do the quilt top working every day and night and doing more then one block at a time,know that it is finished it i love it .Iam working on the triangles it is not easy but i love it any way .

Elef...what a great shot of the quilt...I see it in your avatar. Its a beauty!! I agree...Dotty...some of these take me a Loooong time, some I can breeze through..but most take me some time to do.

Elle...thanks for the list. I hope some more either pick it back up or just keep plugging. It really doesn't matter what the schedule it. I just think it is such a great quilt....well worth the time to do it!


Butterflyspain 07-12-2010 02:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes I so agree Patti, I am taking mine to class tomorrow to take off all the papers. I mean why should I mess up my home with papers LOL when I can do it in class.

I am feeling naughty so there.

sandpat 07-12-2010 04:16 PM

Oh...thats a great idea Elle! Gosh...it just occured to me that since I'm really tired and don't think I should sew tonight, I should start to take off some paper..

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