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Quilter 65 03-30-2014 07:18 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Hi, ladies. Am pondering the next row. Need your input if you would share. I am at 57 x 42 which is only equally divisible by three. My plan had been to sneak another 1 1/2 inches to top and bottom somehow and make everything divisible by 6. It seems to me that if I add another border with some "busyness" to it, that it should be of low contrast as I am afraid that it will start to look too choppy. My final row in my mind is to go back and add a ribbon border sort of like a wrapped Christmas present and that will need to be high contrast. In the meantime, if I add just strip borders to even things out, what colors or fabric would I use to keep from having the same choppiness problem? The red and paisley HST that I used are certainly low contrast. What do you think about adding another row using this combination. I am trying to add pictures so you won't have to flip back to previous posts to figure out which is mine, but my computer is sure acting weird. Think it is time to give up and head for bed. Maybe if I wait a few more minutes....[ATTACH=CONFIG]469491[/ATTACH]Well, it finally did it. I think Jaba's last border, while I really like it, would not work since I am going to use the ribbon eventually. I like the square in a square but should it be low contrast like I wondered. I even considered a 9-patch but that would require contrast to be effective. Ideas to share? Please and thanks.

Quilter 65 03-30-2014 07:21 PM

Sorry the second picture didn't show in my message until posted. I tried to edit to reduce it, but it wasn't in that post either. I don't know what in the world is going on with this thing so apologize it is so big.

jaba 03-30-2014 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by pbadder (Post 6652633)
http://www.quiltingboard.com/members...895-469477.JPGOkay I made another block and laid it out. I only had to add a 1" strip in the center of the two. Still not too sure of color choice for border though

I can't tell how close your brown border is but can you just trim 1/2" off all the way around? then you wouldn't need a filler at all. If not I think I would split the difference of what you need and maybe try to do 2 blocks, filler, 2 blocks, filler and then a final 2 blocks. That way they are spaced evenly and your corners will come out better. Maybe try that black fabric as a spacer. Just an idea you might try.

jaba 03-30-2014 07:35 PM

Quilter65 you can certainly put a 3" round on your quilt if you want, then go for a 6" next round. Just google 3" blocks or 9" and just use one section of it. That way if you need measurements for a certain block you'll have them.

thimblebug6000 03-30-2014 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by pbadder (Post 6652633)
http://www.quiltingboard.com/members...895-469477.JPGOkay I made another block and laid it out. I only had to add a 1" strip in the center of the two. Still not too sure of color choice for border though

You're questioning your colour choices for this border, IMHO they are very strong. Because your prior rows have such a high contrast that cute center gets lost with this last strong border. If you had colours from the blue & green or the purple rather than the strong orange/red would that work better for you? It's hard to really tell fabrics on a monitor.

Elisabrat 03-31-2014 05:04 AM

quilter 65 I am in love with your quilt. I said it. I also have that same fabric you used as the center of you stars and its gorgeous the way you have it! I wouldn't change a thing. I am doing the ribbon last also it will take a lot of time but think it will be a nice finish to my quilt so I say excellent choice! Your quilt is coming out gorgeous by the way :)

Jaba great couple rounds there I wish I had used one of those! would have gone for the last one its more.. me? they are going to be some fun quilts when your done. It is different when your making it for yourself. I see the time that has gone into yours and wanted to say it shows :) !!!

I think the green should be nixed in the round shown. I too think in my dumb humble opinion that the red and black si a bit bold? for the quilt. perhaps would have gone blue and darker beige or the green. I see where you might want red to show up but but think you can achieve that with a 1/4 inch strip all around. just a thought. and free so you can toss that to the wind if you like :) even a blue and black round would be good. blue is so bright and the black with the little paw prints all over would really pop but it would also tie better into the center. Like I said you can toss my idea to the wind if you like I completely understand. this is why we all make such great quilts. We make them our way and we do it unapologetically. TADA that is the way it should be too :)

Emma S 03-31-2014 06:30 AM

Pbadder: Came to this discussion very late but thought maybe that black fabric as a border around both sides of the lattice might work.

Pam H 03-31-2014 10:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This was a fun round! At first I thought the colors were too bright but they have now grown on me. Funny how I thought the corners looked great on my design wall but after sewing this border on I'm not crazy about it. I might redo the corners to make the burgundy go around the corner. Here I had it scheduled to finish this before the end of the month. Guess the joke was on me when you posted April's rounds a few days early. I love the new ones for April! Should I go with a 3 inch round next since I have 2 sixes in a row?

pbadder 03-31-2014 11:04 AM

How about if I put a 2" green border all around the mice, than use the blue with the black fabric with paws to make my lattice design around. Do you think that would work ?

pbadder 03-31-2014 11:05 AM

The fabric now with the black is an orange fabric. I think that is too bold for this border. I do have my green and blue left to use

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