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Honchey 11-06-2012 04:17 PM

The FWS Pony Club wk 44 Verna Belle's Favorite & Villge School House Discussion Page
We have 2 weeks left...I don't believe it..I have so much catching up to do...

The blocks for this week look rather easy even tho there are quite a few pieces...

I just checked the weather channel and we are bracing for another n'oreaster...this time we'll be getting snow instead of rain...I wanted to venture to Joanns tomorrow...my store is too far away I have 2 others to choose from only about 15 miles away...one just re-opened today...the other is still closed...I just have to make do with what I have....I should be thankful I have what I have....H.

janRN 11-06-2012 06:27 PM

Easy????? LOL. I substituted for both of these (must have had y seams).

Stay home and stay safe, Anne. If your stash is anything like mine, you can go shopping right at home. I cleaned my sewing room the other day (took ALL day!) and found fabric I forgot about. Compared to others who have shown pics of their stashes, mine is really small but I still found some "new" pieces.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-06-2012 07:15 PM

Rediscover your own treasures, Ann, and stay safe...give it time. Holidays are coming and women are the center of the action during this time of the year...with their families which is the way it should be. Count our blessings every morning and smile. Find a way to laugh each day, each hour if you can.

We left home early this morning to vote and go shopping for farm needs in Kirksville; a neighbor called me to say a deer had tried to clear our fence on YY and had gotten caught in the fence and was dead...which lead to couple more phone calls to alert officials to come 'claim' their deer. Wonderful neighbor lady who called me was not up on our wildlife laws and took me too serious about spliting the venison with her...they pulled the dead corpse off the fence and into our yard before calling me back....no, I said, horrified that they had claimed the deer which is against the law here, a big "NO, NO!" unless you buy a tag...so they pulled it back out to the original place next to our fence on the outside...and there it lays tonight...Deputy Sheriff I talked too may not have contacted the right official yet...they must remove the animal from our small village...it will not smell very good tomorrow...

Again, we have entertained our area with our unexpected animal event...dear, dear me!!

dublb 11-06-2012 09:46 PM

Wow what a deer day ya had. :D OK I've got a weird since o' humor.

mirabelle 11-07-2012 04:13 AM

QNS it sounds like there is never a dull moment at your house..

Anne I hope everything will return to some semblance of normal for you soon,

QuiltingNinaSue 11-07-2012 05:05 AM

Since DH and I meet, never a dull moment...the saga continues today. We should have known when our 1st date was to a Rodeo a week too soon....it was the following week; when the preacher who was to marry us wasn't not there.. Rev. Priest in the small town where we were living and teaching did the service in his home.. .all our children being born in odd numbered years...living in five states that includes Alaska and Texas.

Mirabelle, I love your 'dusty' tulip block; it has so much character, strength and beauty. A lovely ode that honors Aneal in her Dutch country.

carriem 11-07-2012 09:20 AM

I forgot to check for the new threads until right now. No exciting stories from here...just normal stuff like housework and school. :)

I did buy some KT fabric for my Bonus Blocks this week...will get the novelty fabric when I work tomorrow and start working on my blocks next week. I have narrowed block ideas down to 3 or 4. I just can't decide which one I want to do. It will depend on what other fabrics I pick out.

gardnergal970 11-07-2012 02:27 PM

Deer me, QNS. I hope it gets picked up soon! Jan, how you must enjoy your clean sewing room. When I finish the valances, that is on my to do. I don't have much space or fabric so it doesn't take much until things need to be tidied up. This week my LQS is celebrating it's 7th year in business with a customer appreciation lunch. I had a quilt to trim up for binding and I had decided to do Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt so I had play day today. I saw many quilting friends, some from as far away as Michigan, did get the quilt trimmed, and was able to find a pretty good selection for the mystery quilt. Now to finish the valances and forget about piecing for a week or so and get some quilting done. Maybe I'll come to like quilting as much as I do piecing if I just do it enough.

JeanieG 11-07-2012 05:32 PM

Talking about quilting, I just finished quilting a quilt for my motorhome. It was a mystery (not Bonnie Hunter) I did a year or so ago, but the colors are perfect. All I have to do is the final stitching on the binding, I turned and glued it last night. It makes it sooooo easy to sew when you glue that final edge down! I know the "quilt police" will come and get me, as I sew the binding in the ditch by machine (horrors)! Hey works for me, and I know it won't come apart - besides my arthritic hands do not like hand sewing, they ache enough as it is!

dublb 11-07-2012 06:06 PM

I'm gonna FMQ 3 practice quilts at the retreat I'm goin' on tamarrow. They are baby size. I'll then donate 'em ta Project Linus. The lady that is hostin' this retreat is head o' a new chapter o' PL. She has some tops so I thought I' git some practice in & some child will git a new quilt. Win,win. Then If I have time I'm takin' several other things ta work on. :)

mirabelle 11-07-2012 07:49 PM

JeanieG I machine sew all my bindings for my charity quilts. I figure these quilts are going to get a lot of use so want them to last. It is only my good quilts that I hand sew the bindings. It is whatever works for you..

dublb 11-07-2012 08:36 PM

I like ta hand attach it sometimes, but other times I use this method.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-08-2012 05:14 AM

Thanks , Dublb, I shall try that. I do use the 2 1/2 binding although used to just sew them together and turn right side out...no binding. Hands cannot hold a needle like they used too or see to thread the needle...need new glasses next spring. Last pair I got in 1999, just before my left eye blew its optic nerve. non replaceable part.

oksewglad 11-09-2012 08:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
It never ceases to amaze me how we can all have a wide variety of on going projects. There's always one more quilt to sew.
I've been road tripping--mostly short trips but still take a chunk out of my day. The rubber tire scraper for the skidsteer broke for the last time last week--used everyday here for the past 15 plus years. DH and I went to pickup a new one. Pics ofone and one in motion. Really cleans down to the cement.
Sunday in charge of a 4-H Silent Auction. Had made a Harvest Home small wall hanging and a quick table runner for it--didn't take time for pics. Finished my 3 small quilts for AAQI too. I used red with cream or white in them. Have a Christmas wall hanging to finish for a wedding on the 17th as well.
Tomorrow DH and I taking a road trip to N Wisconsin--going to look at a couple of cows for sale. Will be good to see the owners as they are very good friends as well. Always something going on around here.

Honchey 11-09-2012 09:51 PM

Hi Guys, Athena didn't treat me so well....It was another nightmare...We lost electric again...It got real cold...13" of snow..Our youngest grandson spent the night with us...he weathered the storm quite well...He slept thru it all...Trees fell all over the roads and were blocked so we could't get him home...2 trees fell on the house...we were in bed when they came down...DH said it sounded like being in a war zone...the weight of the snow was too much for the trees that still had leaves on them...We won't know if there's any damage to the roof until the trees are removed....no leaks so far.. the electric came on late this evening...I'm just so tired of heating water to wash dishes. make coffee, kettles on the wood stove..sponge baths etc...I'm going to sleep with my electric blanket on tonite...I may stay in bed all day tomorrow...I know I shouldn't complain...so many without everything...this is such a tradegy for them...

JeanieG 11-09-2012 10:28 PM

So sorry you suffered tree damage Anne, and so thankful you and your loved ones are ok! Hope your roof survived too! Gosh, you have had more than your share of weather already this winter! Hopefully the rest of the season will be nice to you!

mirabelle 11-10-2012 04:35 AM

Thinking of you Anne, I hope things get a lot better for you and everyone else

janRN 11-10-2012 05:36 AM

Anne, glad you and your family are okay. Watching the pics on the Weather Channel just amazed me at the power of Mother Nature. While you were getting Athena, we're having 60* days and we're not that far from each other. Stay warm and safe (yep, get under that electric blanket).

QuiltingNinaSue 11-10-2012 05:59 AM

Yep, count your blessings while muttering under your breath...Anne...say another prayer or two and cuddle under that electric blanket with fleeced PJs. Your situation is temporary and its not in a storm shelter. My GM raised us two kids up into that environment when she was over 45 and we mere babies...no relief for her, but things will get back to normal there soon. Remember there are families that choose to live without electrical hook ups in their homes year around. As long as family is OK and healthy, you are blessed.

oksewglad 11-10-2012 06:13 PM

Anne, this has been like adding insult to injury! Hopefully the snow will melt soon, but then melted snow on unfrozen ground is always mushy and gooey. Times like these makes us appreciate the conveniences we tend to take for granted.
DH and I did road trip today 8 hours round trip with a great 3 hour visit in between--I'm beat. Dare not go to bed now as I will wake up later and then toss and turn rest of the night. Did get the binding sewn on a little mini. Maybe will get pics taken and post later.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-11-2012 06:59 AM

OksewGlad, the skidsteer is very interesting...so different from the pitchfork we used in the old days...

Sixteen hours on the road and three for visiting is a LONG day; good thing you all are so young!!

Hang in there, Honchey, the days will get better. Maybe its possible for you all to move to NC soon, so you can get back to a normal routine. Guess its back to hand quilting or hand work to help pass time.

Everyone carrying credit cards: watch your balances and charges!!! I am always so careful of statements, etc., shedding all papers. We are slowly paying off balances and not charging, But one card was charged for airline tickets!!! It was monitored by the company (State Farm) who called me, and thus correcting the fraudulent charge. Cards were killed, so old ones cannot be used again...its that time of year again when it happens the most.

oksewglad 11-11-2012 09:54 AM

Oh truck ride was 4 hours one way so not a 16 hour drive.
I remember when we got our first skidsteer 40 years ago. DH could go through 36 inch barn doors with it and it saved alot of backbreaking work. Now it is an essential piece of farm equipment costing much more than your average new car. We have three, one for manure removal, one for putting feed into the TMR mixer and the oldest one retired to DS farmstead for lighter work. Oh and we still own pitchforks!!
Comforting to know your CC company has a watchful eye--saved you some cash.

QuiltingNinaSue 11-11-2012 12:40 PM

Too few people are knowledgeable about the cost of farm equipment...just complain when it gets in their way on the highways. I try to respect them (who farm) and the truckers who make the long hauls across the nation.

If the farmers would all sell out and live on the interest, three or four generations would not have to work at all, if managed carefully...according to my North Korea Consumer professor back in college days. But he had no alternative to who would do the farming. We were raised in a five room house and a path out back to the little house. So 'out back' means something different than the chain food store of today. DH still keeps up with what is happening with the farm land here, and how each farmer manages his pastures and crops...noting it as we go down the road. So glad your journey was not as long as I thought it was.

gardnergal970 11-14-2012 06:19 AM

Honchey, I can't imagine what you're living through. When we got snowed in as a kid, we knew it would eventually melt but when there is so much damage underneath it...I'm still hearing of places that don't have electricity too and then there are those that don't have homes to go back to. The suffering just goes on and on. I'm so thankful you're safe and recovering.
OKsewglad...I too was missing you and was ready to send out a smoke signal in case your hookups weren't working. (when I upgraded my sw on my iPad, it erased all of my history and with it...my password which I forgot and can't find the slip of paper I wrote it down on...and I haven't been able to get a new one yet so the only time I post something is when I get out my laptop which I normally don't use. These links are still my first and last stop everyday even when you don't hear from me.) We too had a skid steer. Such a useful tool. Did you buy any cattle up north?
QNSue...thanks for the alert. I'm glad you are working with a good company and that they alerted you as well.

janRN 11-14-2012 09:31 AM

I've learned so much doing PC. Today DH & I went to Costco; take the turnpike and pass numerous large farms. I actually know some of the equipment that I see!!! I have an increased respect for all the work that goes into farming thanks to all of you.

GGal, you weren't affected by that large gas explosion near Indy were you? (I really suck at geography and have no idea where Covington vs Indy is). My son travels to a plant in Peru, IN 3-4 times a year. I can't believe so much destruction was caused by a faulty furnace. Hope you're ok.

QuiltE 11-14-2012 07:08 PM

Honchey ... OMG ... I just found this thread to learn about Athena's unkindness to you. Living on the edge of a bush, with trees on 3 sides, I often wonder about one coming on my home. I hope that there was not any damage to your roof, though it would be a miracle. Your post was a few days ago, so by now, you probably have a better assessment of the situation.

OKSGlad ... so ... new cows? Maybe you should show us some pics!

JanRN ... I'm proud of you!! We'll make you an honourary farm gal! :)

gardnergal970 11-16-2012 06:22 AM

JanR...thanks for asking but I wasn't affected by the blast near Indy. I think at last count at least 13 of the homes are beyond repair and those that can be repaired will have to have a lot of work done on them. I live 8 miles from the Illinois state line right on Hwy 74. Real easy to find if you are ever in the area.

janRN 11-16-2012 08:54 AM

Ggal, glad you weren't affected. The damage is really extensive--scarey because so many of us heat with gas and don't give it a second thought. I laughed when you said you're easy to find. I am so directionally challenged--if my car's parked on the opposite side of the street I get confused LOL. That's why I had so much trouble at first with paperpiecing--I didn't know which end was up!

QuiltE 11-16-2012 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by janRN (Post 5660955)
Ggal, glad you weren't affected. The damage is really extensive--scarey because so many of us heat with gas and don't give it a second thought. I laughed when you said you're easy to find. I am so directionally challenged--if my car's parked on the opposite side of the street I get confused LOL. That's why I had so much trouble at first with paperpiecing--I didn't know which end was up!

........... but you got there (PPing) without any major collisions! :D

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